Owners, Bodies Corporate and persons in control of Businesses or undertakings have obligations under the Work Health & Safety Act..

Asbestos Laws
The manufacture and use of Asbestos products was banned nationally due to the potential health risks. Asbestos is a health risk when extremely fine particles become airborne and are inhaled.
These fibres can be inhaled become lodged in the lungs, where they may stay and develop into Asbestosis. If it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate exposure to airborne Asbestos, exposure must be minimised so far as is reasonable practicable.
Tips for Managing Asbestos
- Have competent person identify materials that might contains asbestos by labeling and having a register, particularly before tradespersons undertake work.
- If you are unsure as to whether the material contains Asbestos, engage a professional to extract a sample to be sent off for testing at an approved laboratory.
- Ensure tradespersons have work method statements compliant with health and safety legislation if work is likely to involve the disturbance of Asbestos.
- Removal of Asbestos should always be carried out by licensed Asbestos removal holder.
- Tenants and occupants should be given warning before works are to be carried out on the property.
- Consider alternatives for managing Asbestos example: painting or sealing with non-asbestos products.
- Remember that Asbestos that is undisturbed does not necessitate removal.
How Do You Organise Your Asbestos Auditing Requirements?
Give us a call today on 07 5573 4011 and we will provide a personalised solution for your situation. Seymour Consultants will ensure you comply with relevant national codes; Legislation.
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