What is Asbestos?
Asbestos can be described as a naturally-occurring fibrous silicate mineral. Asbestos has the ability to withstand heat, erosion and decay and has fire and water resistant properties and due to these it is considered a versatile product.
When asbestos fibres are released into the air and breathed in it becomes a health risk.
There are two types of Asbestos building materials and they can be described as either “non-friable” or “friable”.
Non-friable Asbestos
These can be described as any material (other than friable asbestos) that contains asbestos. It cannot be crumbled, pulverised or re
Termites that cause damage to Australian homes are subterranean termites. There is another species of termites called drywood termites but generally they are not a threat.
Subterranean termites are small, soft bodied insects that build large nests in soil or trees and have underground tunnels that can reach up to 100 metres away from the nest. They cannot survive in the open.
Termites have great survival instincts and have existed for many millions of years with the most ancient species coexisting with the dinosaurs.
They are found in all regions of mainland Australia both in suburban and country areas. Ther